Craigslist Scrap

craigslist scrap

If you have read our blog with any regularity, you would know we try to help our customers by listing the wheres and where not’s of scrapping. Let’s be realistic about this. It is very important, in metals scrapping, not to waste any of your valuable time if you don’t have to. Especially when seeking out scrap, which can be hit or miss. I think everyone here would agree by now, that the easiest, most time efficient, fuel efficient way of finding your next big haul is Craigslist scrap. Firs, if you have never heard of craigslist, well this article will be a game changer. If you are a regular on craigslist, we hope this add some value to your scrapping experience.

Craigslist Scrap

Craigslist is a free platform that let consumers search for items that are either for sale or for free. It can include anything from auto’s to clothing to broken dishwashers that need hauling off. Now we have your attention. Over the years, Craigslist has become the beacon for those looking for used (and more recently new) items for sale. Just think online garage sale or thrift store. So the big question is how do you use it to help scrap. Everyday, it most major cities, people are unloading items online. So go to, and choose the for sale group and look for items you generally believe you would like to scrap, like washers and dryers, dishwashers and even cars. Once you find a few, contact the buyer and ask their lowest price or if they would like the item hauled off for free. Now generally, you want only free, it really won’t profit you very much to drive and pick up and tear apart a washer and dryer. Look for items that have been available for a long time and people may be willing to let go for free. Especially washers and dryers and dishwashers, because those items probably have been replaced and are just sitting wasting someones garage space.