The most effective way to address the problem of scrap metal theft is through a comprehensive strategy focusing first on efforts to prevent metal theft to the maximum extent practicable and second on assisting law enforcement and prosecutors in their efforts to catch, prosecute, and penalize those who perpetrate these thefts to the extent necessary to dissuade their colleagues from a similar path.
Materials theft continues to be a problem not just for scrap dealers but also for law enforcement agencies around the country. As part of the solution to materials theft, ISRI offers law enforcement specific tools and resources to help officers catch the thieves and bad actors. In this section, learn about some of these tools and the real success stories on how they have resulted in arrests, understand the industry’s recommended best practices for combating the crime, and connect with law enforcement from around the country who are working with the industry in active partnerships aimed at curbing metals theft.
Metals Theft State Resources
Access comparisons of state requirements pertaining to materials theft as well generalized summaries of state materials theft laws and information about particular matters of interest in the various states.
The scrap recycling industry takes its role as part of the solution to materials theft seriously and is committed to making sure ISRI members have the information and tools they need to be in compliance with applicable materials theft laws. In this section, download signage that can be printed and posted around the scale operations notifying potential criminals that the yard is serious about compliance with the law, get answers to frequently asked questions, and other resources to assist scrap recyclers with the materials theft issue.
Scrap Theft Alert
To combat the important issue of metals theft, ISRI has developed , an online theft alert system that is available to law enforcement, recyclers, and property owners – free of charge. is a website hosted by the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) that is intended to serve as a service and resource to recycler’s, law enforcement, prosecutors, and other interested parties on the issue of metals theft.